
United States Wines

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A smooth cab that is worth that Al Brounstein knew was coming (10)
2004 Diamond Creek - Red Rock Terrace Cabernet Sauvignon : Showcase

My first Syrah, and boy was it meaty (9)
Arrowood - Arrowood Syrah Sara Lee

Let your first Pinot Noir be as easy as ABC (8)
Au Bon Climat - ABC Pinot Noir

Pears and Melons, oh my! (8)
Pine Ridge - Chenin Blanc - Viognier

A great sipping wine for $5 (6)
2005 Crane Lake - Chardonnay

Chocolate for my sweet? (9)
Rosenblum Cellars - Désirée Chocolate Dessert Wine

A scrumptuous way to imbibe blueberries (9)
Alba - Alba Blueberry Wine

A companion to it (9)
Alba - Alba Raspberry

A nice blend with a catchy name (6)
2005 Folie a Deux - Ménage à Trois White

A Rose with a kinky name (6)
2006 Folie a Deux - Ménage à Trois Rose

Drink it for the taste, as well as for the charity (8)
2003 Ehler's Estate - Ehler's Estate 2003 Cabernet Sauvignon

Fume Blanc anyone (6)
2005 Barnard Griffin - Fume Blanc

Bad, bad chardonnay... what were they thinking (2)
Rose Bank Winery - Chardonnay

Stinky, smelly Chardonnay (1)
2005 Manatawny Creek Winery - Chardonnay

Damn this is good, and the women love it too (10)
New Hope Winery - Blackberry

Finally, a Beringer that I like (9)
2005 Beringer - Chardonnay, Napa Valley

Never the same as the first time, but still a little classy (6)
2005 Meridian - Chardonnay

They finally start to redeem themselves with this one, a Niagara from Pennsylvania (6)
Rose Bank Winery - Niagara

An interesting rose, but is it worth it? (6)
2006 Penns Woods - White Cabernet

Just another Niagara... almost falling down (4)
New Hope Winery - Niagara

Another celestial offering from Ironstone, and the best damned Viognier I've tasted (9)
2005 Christine Andrew - Viognier

Just under the Beringer Napa Chardonnay, but it does stand up (7)
Rutherford Ranch - Napa Valley Chardonnay

It would be best as sparkling, but pales as not, despite the rating (6)
2005 Raymond Estates - Monterey Chardonnay

A great raspberry for any occasion (9)
New Hope Winery - Raspberry

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Our Mission: The Black Winer strives to expose African Americans [and others] to wines, without the flair, stuffiness, and airs of elitism and snobbery that you get from sommeliers and high level wine enthusiasts. We believe in finding something that you like the taste of, outside of the basic brands that you have been force-fed over the years through a combination of ethnically targeted advertising, and what people in your family have historically been drinking.

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