
Something new, and it's supposedly good for your heart

Tuesday, November 3, 2009

Brand NameSella & Mosca
other wines reviewed
Wine NameRiserva
Vintage (Year)2005
AVACannonau di Sardegna
Wine ClassWhite
Wine TypeGruner Veltliner
Alcohol %13.5%
Bottle Size750ml
Price$10 - $20
Site Rating8 (on a scale of 1-10)

So, on my last wine run, I met a couple that was looking for a particular wine that was supposed to be good for your heart. Now, we've all heard that claim before, but I decided to try a bottle anyway. Usually, it's not just the wine, but people's overall diet and activity levels as well.

This grape/varietal has several different versions, like Tempranillo depending upon both the alcohol content and the aging. This batch was aged in oak for two years, and has an alcohol content of 13.5%; if it were over 15% then it would be classified a 'Superiore.'

In any case, this wine should be consumed with food, as it is rather dry, and you definitely get the oak character from it. Weirdly enough, the tannins are there but not too assaulting on the palate. After the initial oak 'bite' you can get some dark fruits such as currants from this wine. The nose is rather pronounced, a result of the long aging in oak, but it's more similar in smell to a Rainwater Madeira, or even a Sercal.

This wine would go great with spicy foods as well as red meats.


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